People take time to reflect on their relationships at various points, evaluating what’s working and what’s not.
When it comes to intimacy, that reflection often brings up frustrations and a sense that things aren’t as exciting or fulfilling as they once were.
For some, these realizations are confusing. For others, they might motivate them to improve their relationships.
But according to an expert, a seemingly small yet impactful habit could be quietly making intimacy issues even worse.
While there are several factors that can influence intimacy, she says there’s one habit that stands out as a major issue—yet it often goes unnoticed.
Speaking to the Mirror, Norén explained that many people tend to look for distractions or temporary solutions rather than actually addressing the deeper issues in their relationships.

She explained: “People often feel bored in their relationships and stressed in general in life. We’re all stretched thin, and as a result, we’ve forgotten how to seek out and experience pleasure.”
“Instead, we look for quick fixes and ways to dissociate, like scrolling through reels, watching memes, and indulging in junk food.”
When speaking specifically about Gen Z, she noted that this generation approaches intimacy differently than older generations, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing.
However, she pointed out that with technology playing such a big role in daily life, it has changed the way people connect and interact with one another—sometimes in ways that make intimacy harder to maintain.

“This means they’re seldom bored, and instead of connecting with one another sexually as people might have done in the past, they might turn to their phones for some instant kicks instead. There’s simply so much more to do than just have sex.”
The good news is that there are practical, straightforward ways to bring real intimacy back into relationships, and they don’t require drastic changes to your lifestyle.
“Go on a date night and decide that practicalities are off limits, instead, reminisce about the first time you met and what drew you to one another sexually.”